By Connie Martinez, SVCREATES’ Chief Executive Officer
I hope this note finds you and your loved ones safe and well.
Our hearts are breaking for those who are currently suffering as a result of COVID-19 and my words will not change that. We do, however, have a lot to ponder at this moment in history, and the arts have a special role to play as we move from disbelief, to accepting the harsh realities of this pandemic, to planning for our recovery. And we have a choice as to how we view the world and how we spend our time while “sheltering in place.”
We can view the world as an interdependent web of human beings who care about their families, their communities, and each other OR we can view the world as “every one” or “every nation” for themselves. We can choose to focus on the simple pleasures of life and human connection OR sit around sulking. We can choose to work on the things that we still have control over with an eye toward the future OR be frozen in isolation. And we can choose to forgive ourselves for choosing a little bit of all of the above OR not.
Our team at SVCreates is focused on how best to serve our interdependent web of artists and arts organizations during this time of great need and uncertainty. The list includes advocacy for resources at the local, state, and federal levels, relaxing our current grant requirements, delivering programs virtually when it makes sense, and distributing available funds. We have also begun to think about what recovery might look like and capture the lessons learned from this crisis to carry our arts ecosystem forward.
On a personal note, I am sheltering in place with family members in Grass Valley and working from my cozy little Studio. We are cooking and dining together, listening to music, going on hikes, playing board games, Zooming with friends, and virtually visiting museums and other cultural offerings. My granddaughter and her dog have never been happier. These simple pleasures were always available to us and hopefully won’t be forgotten post-pandemic.
If you are reading this note, I probably don’t need to explain the profound healing power of the arts. But rather, let me share some inspiration that was shared with a group of local arts leaders as part of an American Leadership Forum Network Zoom meeting this week.
“In times of chaos and fear, we lean into words and music, art, and dance, and we ask what they can teach us. Then, we take those lessons with us into the world, and we let the muse remind us why hope is possible in a time like this.” — Kaitlin Curtice (shared by Jenni Nicklaus of ALFSV)
So, what are we advocating for?
1. We urge California and Federal lawmakers to ensure that individual artists and arts and culture nonprofits are included in COVID-19 relief and economic stimulus packages.
2. We urge all funders, public and private, to continue their grant funding and allow for flexibility including waiving matching funds requirements to allow organizations to shift priorities from program delivery to general operational support including paying staff and contractors.
3. We urge cities and counties to provide emergency grant funds and interest-free loans for artists and arts nonprofits.
What can you do right now?
1. Send a letter to the Governor
2. Support federal aid for the arts by contacting Congress: AFTA advocacy link
3. Complete the Americans for the Arts Impact Survey
4. Visit SVCREATES’ Resources for Our Arts Community COVID-19 webpage for the most up-to-date information
5. Subscribe to California Arts Advocates Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds for breaking news, action alerts, and inspiring content.
6. Sign up for the virtual Arts Advocacy Day on April 15